CoQ10 – Top Heart Health

CoQ10 – Top Heart Health

In 2016 alone, it was recorded that approximately 20 000 new food products were introduced to the US food markets. Cardiovascular-related diseases are the leading cause of death, this statistic is not hard to believe considering the rapid rate at which new foods are being produced. How do we keep up? How do we know what foods are good for us and which to avoid?

Thanks to research we have found some delicious foods to eat for a heart-healthy diet.

Eat Your Heart Out!

We are left in no doubt that CoQ10 can help benefit heart health. But being proactive will get you the very best results and ensure the benefits of CoQ10 are multiplied by eating a healthy diet. Here are some of the healthy alternative that you may want to consider.


Not all carbohydrates are good for you.

Simple carbohydrates such as table sugar, candy and sodas should be avoided. They cause a spike in insulin levels which increases the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.
Complex carbohydrates which are also known as starchy foods are a healthier alternative and can reduce the risk of many cardiovascular-related diseases.

Barley – Rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamin B6, barley helps lower cholesterol which decreases the risk of heart disease.

Oatmeal – Lines the digestive tracts preventing cholesterol from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Brown Rice – Switching from white to brown rice is a healthier option. Brown rice is high in magnesium which is an important mineral for regulating blood pressure and neutralizing sodium content in the body.


Protein plays a key role in maintaining and regulating muscles, organs, and tissue. There are however some proteins that contain a higher content of saturated fats which result in higher cholesterol. Knowing the difference is beneficial to your health.

Nuts – Hazelnuts, almonds, and macadamia nuts are examples. Nuts are high in Omega-3, fiber and vitamin E. Vitamin E is essential for preventing plaque build up in the arteries.

Fish – Foods such as mackerel, salmon, and sardines give your heart a healthy boost and lower the risk of heart attacks. Packed with omega-3, these superfoods reduce blood clotting and  lower blood pressure.

Beans and legumes – Not only are they wallet-friendly and versatile, they are a healthy alternative to meat. Beans are a powerhouse of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Fruits and Veg

This food group is a no-brainer when it comes to health benefits. Eating a colorful array of vitamins and nutrients is sure to keep any heart risks at bay.

Leafy Greens – Broccoli, kale, and spinach are all examples of healthy green foods. They are high in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins which reduce inflammation of the artery walls and lower blood pressure.

Tomatoes – Tomatoes are a great source of potassium and protect cells from free-radical damage and hardening of the arteries.

Apples –. Apples act as a natural anti-inflammatory and are full of antioxidants called polyphenols, which much like tomatoes, also protect cells from free-radical damage.


There is a lot of speculation when it comes to fats. A moderation of heart-healthy fats is important to maintaining a balanced diet and should not be eliminated altogether.

Rice bran oil – One of the healthiest cooking oils, rice bran oil has an ideal balance of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. It also reduces the absorption of cholesterol.

Soybean oil – Soybeans contain a variety of essential fatty acids and plant sterols and is known to reduce clogged arteries which lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


Taking a quality CoQ10 supplement alongside a balance healthy diet will get you top results when it comes ot heart health.

Increase Energy With CoQ10

Increase Energy With CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10, otherwise known as CoQ10, is an antioxidant nutrient that is found in the mitochondria of every cell in your body. The mitochondria are the part of the cell where the production of cellular energy occurs. Its primary functions are to produce energy and within the cell and to protect from oxidative stress. Like so many other parts of the body, CoQ10 levels drop as your age. Coenzyme Q10 is believed to have a variety of benefits that can support cardiovascular health, treat diabetes, cancer, and headaches. This article will discuss the various benefits CoQ10 has to offer and the best ways to take it.

Although there are dietary sources of CoQ10 like organ meats and lentils, many will choose to supplement in order to ensure they receive the right amount. You can also find CoQ10 in broccoli, spinach, and peanuts but the reason why people choose to supplement is that the amounts of CoQ10 are smaller and the quality of this food would have to be top notch in order for that smaller amount to be available. They would also have to be unprocessed and cultivated in a place that has no pollution.  It can also be cooked out in foods, therefore, if you are looking to increase your CoQ10 intake through foods, it is better to supplement with raw foods. Regardless of how you supplement CoQ10, studies have proven CoQ10 to have various health benefits that make the effort to supplement worth it.

Increased Energy

Studies have found that patients who supplemented with CoQ10 reported feeling an increase in energy. The reason for this is because CoQ10 has been linked to improved cardiovascular health can improve the heart’s ability to pump more blood. It can also lower the viscosity of blood which makes it easier to achieve optimal heart function. Increased energy can also be attributed to the fact that CoQ10 can double the levels of antibodies and supported the body’s ability to handle viruses. Taking into consideration that more often than not, people will have some sort of background disease, taking CoQ10 can help combat the effects. When a body is functioning healthily, it also experiences an increase in energy.

Gum Health

Research has shown that having a healthy heart can improve gum health. Gums are full of blood and your mouth is full of bacteria. If you damage the gum layer it is going to get bacteria into your bloodstream which can trigger inflammation through your body. This is crucial because inflammation can damage to blood vessels. By supporting a healthy heart, CoQ10 can also

Additional Benefits

Additional CoQ10 benefits include weight loss, treatment for cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, fatigue, muscle weakness, and headache.

It is undisputed that maintain coenzyme Q10 levels offers many health benefits. Talk to your doctor about how to optimally supplement CoQ10 into your diet so that you too can optimally derive from its benefits.

Vitamins offer antioxidant properties and, when combined with other remedies, can cure hemorrhoids. Antioxidants are great for the body because they strengthen body tissues and increase the resistance of blood vessels. Vitamins potent and effective in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids include vitamins A, B, and C.

Recommended dosages include two to three intakes per day. Always talk to your doctor before you begin taking a vitamin supplement. Another option is to eat more foods that contain these vitamins. Eating vegetables and fruits like carrots, spinach, oranges, kiwis, strawberries, and kale can be very effective.

If you choose to take a vitamin supplement, consult your doctor before you start to ensure that it will not negatively interact with any current medication you take.

CoQ10 For Skin Heatlh

CoQ10 For Skin Heatlh

Officially known as Coenzyme Q, CoQ10 is a coenzyme that occurs naturally in every cell of your body. CoQ10 lives in your mitochondria, which is the part of the cell that produces energy and is believed to prevent oxidative stress and energy production. Although your body naturally produces CoQ10, stress and aging can decrease your levels of CoQ10 which can cause your cells to decrease their ability to withstand stress and to regenerate. Evidence has shown that supplementing CoQ10 can treat Parkinson’s disease, heart disease, and high blood pressure. Studies have found that CoQ10 may also possible improve the condition of your skin and support weight loss. This article is going to take an in-depth look at these claims to determine whether or not they are valid and how to take CoQ10 in a way that will maximize these benefits.

Skin Benefits

Collagen is a long chain amino acid and is responsible for skin’s elasticity and hair strength. As you age, your skin loses collagen which causes the skin to become wrinkled and loose. By restoring collagen levels in your skin, collagen can help reverse the signs of aging. Now, how is collagen and CoQ10 connected? Women over the age of thirty have lower CoQ10 levels and those levels decrease as you age. Lack of CoQ10 can result in the impeded ability for your body produce collagen and elastin. Supplementing with CoQ10 can raise your collagen levels and help restore your skin’s firmness and youth. An additional benefit of CoQ10 is that it acts as a strong antioxidant which can help neutralize harmful free radicals that cause the skin to look aged. The decline in CoQ10 levels caused by aging can make your skin more susceptible to damage caused by free radicals. Studies have found that using a topical anti-aging cream that contains CoQ10 can penetrate the skin deeply enough to help restore levels to your skin to help reverse and fight signs of skin aging.

Weight Loss

One of CoQ10’s primary functions is to assist in the production of energy. Having a deficiency can cause lower energy levels and decrease your metabolism. Experts believe that the reason why older people have a harder time losing weight is that CoQ10 levels decrease with age. Studies have found that CoQ10 deficiencies are often linked in cases of obesity. Patients who supplemented with CoQ10 had an easier time losing weight. CoQ10 can help decrease body fat while also boosting your energy levels by supporting your body’s ability to convert food into energy.

It is possible to supplement CoQ10 through your diet with foods like organ meats and lentils, although to ensure that you are getting an effective daily amount it can be easier to supplement. Talk to your doctor to help you manage your CoQ10 supplementation and to help you find an effective and safe way to improve the condition of your skin or to help you lose weight.

CoQ10: Statin Medication

CoQ10: Statin Medication

CoQ10 is a coenzyme that lives in the mitochondria and is responsible for producing energy and protecting cells from oxidative stress. Statins are a type of medication that lower cholesterol with the goal of benefiting people at risk for heart disease. For the right patients, statins can decrease the risk of cardiovascular death and disabilities. However, despite the benefits that statins can have for those at risk of cardiovascular disease, statins have been found to increase the risk of developing diabetes, particularly in older patients. Studies suggest that because statins reduce the body’s levels of CoQ10, mitochondrial dysfunction will occur that leads to higher glucose levels. This article is going to discuss the link between supplementing CoQ10 while taking statins to prevent the development of diabetes. Continue reading to learn more.

Link Between Statins and Diabetes

Studies have found that statins, especially when in high doses, are associated with a 27% increased risk of developing type II diabetes. The elderly are at the highest risk of developing diabetes. Another study found that patients taking higher doses of statins has a 12% higher risk of developing diabetes than those on a moderate dose. It puts into question whether or not taking statins to lower cholesterol to protect from cardiovascular disease is worth the risk of developing diabetes which in turn can paradoxically increase the chance of developing cardiovascular disease. Experts believe that it’s worth taking the risk because risk of developing cardiovascular disease is worse than the risk of developing diabetes.

How CoQ10 Can Help

Supplementing with CoQ10 is believed to have the ability to counteract the damage caused by statins and reduce the risk of developing diabetes while taking statins. Statins drain the body of CoQ10 which can lead to mitochondrial dysfunction that causes faulty insulin signaling. This can cause elevated glucose levels that cause diabetes. Statins work by preventing the process of producing cholesterol molecules which in turn block the precursor of CoQ10. Supplementing with CoQ10 can help people on statins to maintain healthy levels of CoQ10 which can prevent developing diabetes.

Benefits of Supplementing with CoQ10

Aside for restoring depleted levels of CoQ10 in patients with diabetes, CoQ10 can also lower blood sugar and hemoglobin A1C. Research has shown that fat cells that have been exposed to statins can have their normal glucose levels restored with CoQ10 and can help reverse any damage done. Supplementing with only 200 mg a day of CoQ10 has been shown to significantly decrease the chances of developing diabetes while taking statins. It has also been shown to decrease cardiovascular risks that are caused by diabetes. Studies have found that depleted levels of CoQ10 can cause diabetic cardiomyopathy which is the loss of heart muscle function. Diabetic have poor blood vessel lining function which can be made worse by taking statins. Maintaining regular supplementation of CoQ10 has been found to counteract these risks.

CoQ10 has been found to have a myriad of health benefits that include cancer prevention, brain function and the lowered risk of developing diabetes. If you are taking statins and are worried about your risk of developing diabetes, make sure to supplement with CoQ10 to ensure that you are protected from any risks.

CoQ10 And Diet

CoQ10 And Diet

The heart is undeniably the most important organ in the body. With its complex composition of arteries, capillaries, and veins, the heart is responsible for pumping life through your body. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with exercise and diet is imperative to safeguarding the lifespan of your heart. Making wise decisions about the foods you eat can decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. Even if you are taking a CoQ10 supplement, a healthy daily diet is paramount for maintaining a healthy heart. Check out these top tips for optimal heart health.

Choose the Right Carbohydrates

Avoid eating refined grains such as bread, pasta, cereals, desserts and table sugar. Refined grains are made by processing natural, whole grains. This is done to extend the shelf life and give the product a better texture. There are a number of reasons why refined grains are substandard when it comes to a diet. Refined grains are nutritionally imbalanced as they are devoid of iron and B vitamins. Preservatives, bleaching chemicals (white flour), artificial coloring, and flavors are used when processing or refining whole grains. Refined grains contain little to no fiber and have a higher glycemic index which tends to be digested much quicker than whole grains, as a result, this causes a spike in insulin which leads to high cholesterol and diabetes. Switching to whole grains is certainly a healthier alternative.

Cut Back on Salt

Salt is the primary source of sodium. When one consumes too much salt, the excess sodium in the bloodstream retains water within the blood vessels which increases the volume of blood. When more blood flows through the blood vessels, it causes an increase in blood pressure. High blood pressure puts a strain on the heart and while you may not feel it, the pressure damages the walls of the arteries over time. Try limit your salt intake by using fresh herbs to season meals and only adding a small amount of salt after foods have been cooked. A little sprinkle does go a long way.

Eliminate Trans Fats

Trans fats are a man-made fat which is the result of turning a liquid oil into a solid fat such as margarine by means of  hydrogenation. Trans fat raises your “bad” LDL cholesterol and lowers your “good” HDL cholesterol which may increase the risk of cardiovascular complications. Eliminate foods that contain “hydrogenated oil” or “partially hydrogenated oil”. Manufacturers are obligated to mention these ingredients, so be sure to read the food labels carefully. Small doses of trans fats are also found naturally in animal products such as beef, pork, and some dairy. It is best to limit your intake of pork and beef and switch to fat-free dairy products.

The ‘S’ Word

Sugar! Approximately 10% of the calories the average American eats in a day is made up of added sugar however about 1 in 10 people get one-quarter more of their calories from added sugar. Consuming large quantities of sugar damages tissues in the heart and affects the blood sugar levels. Women should limit their added sugars to no more than 100 calories per day,  and men should eat less than 150 calories. These recommendations only apply to added sugars. When checking food labels, avoid added sugar such as corn sweetener or syrup, honey, molasses, fruit juice concentrate, high-fructose corn syrup, invert sugar, malt sugar and syrup and sugar molecules ending in ‘ose’ (dextrose, fructose, glucose, lactose, maltose, sucrose).