CoQ10: Miracle Enzyme?

CoQ10: Miracle Enzyme?

Coenzyme Q10, or CoQ10, creates usable energy for cells which helps the body in various ways. It helps keep the oxygen levels of the blood balanced,  which prevents premature aging in cells. It aids both the cardiovascular system function properly and strengthens neurological processing. Not only that, but it is linked to diminishing side-effects of menopause, depression, chronic pain, and even dry eyes.

A Breakdown of CoQ10

CoQ10 sounds too good to be true. How can a supplement made in the body be able to subvert medications and use the body’s natural biological processes to alleviate pain? Is it truly a replacement used to treat diseases?

The answer is, not really. CoQ10 is not a replacement; that’s why it is called a supplement. When added to your daily nutrient intake, it has been proven to alleviate many symptoms. As you age, your natural CoQ10 levels drop, especially when you are taking a kind of medication to lower your cholesterol called statins. Adding a CoQ10 supplement to your diet could vastly improve your quality of life by eliminating free radical damage to your cells. Here is a breakdown of different diseases and how CoQ10 can eliminate severe symptoms by acting as an antioxidant. CoQ10 balances oxygen levels in the blood while stimulating the mitochondrial function in cells.

  • Menopause

When a woman goes into menopause, extreme hormonal changes occur in her body. Some of the side effects of menopause are confusion and dizziness. Studies have shown that CoQ10 supplements helped patients’ cognitive functions return to normal within a short amount of time.

  • Depression

Many mental disorders like depression, schizophrenia and bipolar are not usually linked, until recent studies have shown that oxidative stress leads to symptoms of all of these diseases. Mental disorders stem from brain dysfunction is receiving too much oxygen, other vitamins and chemicals needed for the brain’s normal functioning cannot  be absorbed. Clinical depression is diagnosed both by the lack of serotonin uptake in the brain as well as a feeling of anhedonia, or lack of interest in former hobbies. CoQ10 stimulates neurons in the brain and encourages blood flow, which is needed to bring brain function back to normal.

  • Chronic Pain

Besides eliminating free radical damage from over-oxygenation of cells, CoQ10 helps relax stiff muscles that result in unbearable pain. Unlike a pulled muscle or a stiff neck, chronic pain can be caused by nerve damage, which is what happens when there is too much oxygen in the blood.

  • Dry eyes

CoQ10 is known to help aging effects on tissues and cells, which is why dry eyes can be treated with the help of this coenzyme. CoQ10 protects tear ducts from being inflamed, a side-effect of older cells.

CoQ10: The Anti-Aging Formula

As you can see, CoQ10 works as a helpful antioxidant, bringing useful energy to the body’s cells while protecting them from being damaged. From mental disorders to dry eyes, CoQ10 is here to help you feel better, without taking unnatural substances that are foreign to your body. Although you already create your own CoQ10 yourself, as you age, CoQ10 levels drop, and sometimes are diminished when taking other medications. In this case, a supplement will help restore your quality of life.

Exercise & CoQ10

Exercise & CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10 is better known as CoQ10 and has been used to eliminate free radicals from your body, reversing the aging process of your cells. Other studies suggest, however, that it can help with fat burning and provide you with more energy during your workouts. CoQ10 assists nerves and muscles by relaxing stiff muscles and abating swelling, as well as providing usable energy to cells. Not only will this help with overall weight loss, but can result in a faster metabolism as well.

Relieving Muscle Cramps and Increasing Function

Muscles require large amounts of CoQ10 in order to keep them functioning for longer and pain-free. Cells need energy and oxygen in order to function properly and CoQ10 provides the cells’ mitochondria with usable energy to perform the best they can. Taking CoQ10 supplements has resulted in more energy and higher endurance, resulting in longer workout times. For people suffering from muscle aches or stiffness, and even chronic pain, CoQ10 can help relieve some pain to help them get through the day. CoQ10 works with the cardiovascular system, strengthening the heart muscle and working as an antioxidant to help cells thrive. This double dose provides the energy and strength your muscles need for a good, long workout.

With the help of CoQ10’s antioxidant surge, free radical damage can be prevented, resulting in cells living longer, healthier lives. Strong cells also are found to burn fat at a faster rate. Using calories to burn fat can be dangerous if you burn too much and lose too much too fast. CoQ10 comes into play here by being a good supplement to balance the number of calories you are burning with calorie intake. Make sure to eat healthy foods and maintain a nutritious diet while you are exercising; it is dangerous to exercise on an empty stomach. Even though you are burning fat cells faster than normal, this could trigger oxidative stress which leads to muscle cramping, cellular damage, and even digestive issues.

CoQ10 In Food

CoQ10 is produced naturally in your body and it is also found in certain foods. To raise CoQ10 levels, you can choose a specific diet rich in vitamins A and E, as CoQ10 is a fat-soluble nutrient.

Some foods that contain CoQ10 are:

  • organ meats like kidneys and liver
  • cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower
  • fatty fish like salmon
  • legumes
  • sesame seeds
  • avocado

However, eating a rich, nutrient-filled diet won’t guarantee your CoQ10 levels being accurate. That’s why a supplement is recommended, especially to ensure CoQ10 levels will stay plentiful as you start burning calories during your exercise routine.

Dosage and CoQ10 Capsule Requirements

CoQ10 requires vitamins A and E in order to be synthesized properly in the body. You should take CoQ10 with food. Dosages vary from person to person, depending on their needs. CoQ10 levels are lower and lower as you age, and are especially diminished when you are on certain medications. For the best exercise performance, 100 mg- 300 mgs is suggested, but there is some flexibility as you figure out what works best for you. The supplement should help you feel more energetic, boosts your mood, and lowers your stress.

What is CoQ10?

What is CoQ10?

Officially known as Coenzyme Q10, CoQ10 is a compound in your body that helps produce energy and protects cells from oxidative stress. Although your body produces it naturally, as you age the production slowly decreases. CoQ10 is stored in the mitochondria which is the part of the cells that produce energy. Deficiencies have been linked to health conditions likes heart disease, brain disorders, cancer and diabetes. There are several natural dietary sources from which you can supplement CoQ10 like organ meats and lentils but many will find it beneficial to their health to supplement the enzyme through a dietary supplement. Continue reading to learn more about the various health benefits CoQ10 has for your health and the best ways how to get them.

Happy Health Heart

Heart failure usually occurs as a result of other heart conditions like high blood pressure. Having a heart condition can lead to increased oxidative damage which can affect the heart in a way that it cannot contract normally, relax or pump blood through the body. Studies have found that patients with heart failure who were treated with CoQ10 were able to improve their symptoms and significantly reduced their chances of dying from a heart problem.

Fruitful Fertility

Research has linked that fertility levels lower in conjunction with CoQ10 levels. This causes the body to become unable to protect the eggs from oxidative damage. Maintaining decent levels of CoQ10 can maintain egg quality and even reverse age-related decline in egg quality and quantity. Likewise, CoQ10 can protect sperm from oxidative damage and and quality.

Cancer Prevention

CoQ10 helps your body fight oxidative damage. If your body is unable to fight oxidative damage, your cells can become damaged which can increase your risk of developing cancer. Maintaining healthy levels of CoQ10 can protect cells from oxidative stress. Studies have found that patients suffering from cancer have lower levels of CoQ10 than those without cancer.

Brain Power

Mitochondrial function generally decreases with age. Mitochondrial dysfunction increases the risk of killing brain cells and can cause diseases like Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. The brain is especially vulnerable to oxidative stress due to its high fatty acid content and its need for oxygen. Oxidative damage can increase the development of harmful compounds that can affect your memory, cognition, and physical functions.

Decreased Headaches

When abnormal mitochondrial function occurs it causes increased calcium uptake by the cells which can cause low brain energy and migraines. CoQ10 resides in the mitochondria which can affect mitochondrial function and decrease inflammation that occurs during migraines. Studies have shown that patients who supplement with CoQ10 experienced reduced number of migraines. In addition to treating migraines, CoQ10 is believed to prevent them from occurring.

Decreased Diabetes

Metabolic disease, like diabetes, can be caused by oxidative stress that induces cell damage. Unusual mitochondrial function has been linked to insulin resistance. CoQ10 has been linked to the improvement of insulin sensitivity and the ability to support regulated blood sugar levels.

CoQ10 The Bottom Line

CoQ10 is a coenzyme that has the ability to vastly improve your health. It has been shown to improve heart health, blood sugar regulation, migraines and can boost your brain power. Whether you choose to eat more CoQ10 soluble foods like organ meats or lentils or you supplement, CoQ10 is definitely worth making the effort to maintain healthy levels.

CoQ10 For Heart Health

CoQ10 For Heart Health

CoQ10, also known as Coenzyme Q10, is found in every cell of the body. Your body produces it naturally but as you age, your body slows down its production. CoQ10 resides in the mitochondria which is the part of the cell that is responsible for energy production. One of CoQ10’s primary functions is to convert food into energy and protect cells against oxidative stress. It is ranked as one of the best selling supplements on the market, raking in nearly 900 million dollars annually. The reason for its popularity is because CoQ10 has been linked to having the ability to treat Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, brain health and cancer. Although one of the main reasons for its popularity is because of its link to increased heart health. This article is going to take a closer look at the various benefits CoQ10 has for heart health and how to derive from its maximum benefits.

Different Types of CoQ10

There are two types of CoQ10, ubiquinone, and ubiquinol. The antioxidant form of CoQ10 is ubiquinol that is made in the body from ubiquinone. Ubiquinone is the less potent type but is more cost-effective so most over the counter supplements contain ubiquinone as opposed to ubiquinol. Research has linked low blood levels of CoQ10 with lowered levels of good cholesterol that protects the heart from and can subsequently increase the risk for heart disease.

Cardiovascular Disease

Studies have found that supplementing CoQ10 can increase levels of HDL-C and ApoA1 levels which can even be beneficial for people taking statins to protect against cardiovascular disease. HDL-C is a type of good cholesterol which removes bad cholesterol from places it can cause damage. ApoA1 is a component of HDL. It attaches itself to cell membrane and promotes the movement of cholesterol to the outer surfaces of the cell. CoQ10 can also lower levels of inflammatory biomarkers that have been shown to be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Low levels of CoQ10 have been linked to tissue damage to the heart during a heart attack.

Muscle Symptoms related to Statin

Statins are a type of medication that is taken for heart health but studies have verified that taking high doses of statins can cause diabetes. Statins work by preventing the process of producing cholesterol molecules which in turn block the precursor of CoQ10. Supplementing with CoQ10 can help people on statins to maintain healthy levels of CoQ10 which can prevent developing diabetes.

After a Heart Attack

Studies have found that taking CoQ10 within 72 hours from experiencing a heart attack and continuing supplementation for a year after can significantly decrease the chances of suffering a subsequent heart attack.

If you are at risk of developing heart disease, maintaining heart health with a CoQ10 is an important option to discuss with your doctor. While you can get CoQ10 through your diet with foods like organ meats and lentils, it may be best to ensure that you are getting the effective amounts through a supplement.