NutriONN CoQ10 Review

This review is for a product called NutriONN CoQ10. NutriONN CoQ10 is a dietary supplement designed to help those who have a deficiency of CoQ10 in their bodies. It acts as an antioxidant, which defends the body from damage created by harmful molecules. CoQ10 has also been shown to support your nervous and immune system. The manufacturer claims that this is the most helpful supplement that you should be taking. It provides benefits to people with high blood pressure, heart failure, periodontal disease, fatigue, AIDS, Parkinson’s disease and more.


Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) is the main ingredient contained in this supplement. CoQ10 assists in producing adenosine triphosphate and lives in parts of the body that need energy the most, such as the heart, kidneys and liver. It prevents oxidation and cholesterol, which prevents the risks of getting diseases.

The inactive ingredients are Gelatin Capsule, Magnesium Stearate and Rice Flour.


The recommended dose is one capsule taken with meals daily. For maximum absorption it is suggested that you take it with food that contains fat. It would have been good to indicate the kind and the amount of fat that must be taken with this supplement. This might put the consumer in danger if they take NutriONN CoQ10 with food that has too much fat than needed.

Possible Side Effects

Some side effects such as stomach discomfort, loss of appetite, diarrhea, vomiting and nausea have been reported. If you are under the age of 18, or if you are nursing, pregnant or have an existing medical condition, you are advised to seek advice from your healthcare practitioner.


The manufacturer and third-party retailers sell NutriONN CoQ10 for $35.95 per bottle on their websites.  Each bottle contains 120 capsules. The price of this supplement from one other retailer is very high. They charge an amount of $87.80 per bottle, which does not make sense. You would need to look carefully to find the cheapest deal if you buy this CoQ10 supplement.


The manufacturer only offers a 14-day guarantee. Within this period you can return the product in its original packaging and in good condition in order for them to refund you. They do not mention anything about satisfaction. Nevertheless, one of the third-party retailers offers a 100% money back satisfaction guarantee on this product. However, they do not indicate how long the guarantee period is, which is another problem.

Our NutriONN CoQ10 Review– Conclusion

NutriONN CoQ10 seems to be a promising product for reducing symptoms of some diseases. It contains the enzyme that the body needs for the production of energy in organs like heart, kidney and liver. People who have a deficiency of CoQ10 could benefit a lot from taking this supplement. However, we are not sure about the effectiveness of this product because the manufacturer does not seem to have confidence in it. Offering a 14-day guarantee has no benefit at all to the consumer as it does not give them enough time to determine the effectiveness of the product. It also puts the customer at risk by buying a product that is not guaranteed of its effectiveness. We are also worried about the fat-containing meal that the manufacturer suggests this supplement should be taken with. One might not see results if the food has little fat and at the same time people with heart problems are discouraged from eating food with high fat. It would have helped to indicate the type and the amount of fat that it must be taken with. Due to these concerns, not forgetting the possible side effects caused by CoQ10, we recommend that you look for something else that has clear instructions, and one backed by the manufacturer’s guarantee so that if you are unsatisfied or if you develop side effects, you can simply return it for a full refund.

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Nutra-Life CoQ10 Review

Today we review Nutra-Life CoQ10 300 mg.  Coenzyme Q10 has been shown to help lower blood pressure, improve overall heart health, and keep your immune system healthy.  This high dose supplement is a once per day formula that helps to support your overall cardiovascular health.


  • Ubidecarenone (Coenzyme Q10)
  • Encapsulating aids
  • Color

While the name of the supplement includes the amount of 300 mg, the website has stated two different amounts of CoQ10 in their supplements.  On one part of the website, it does state each capsule contains the advertised 300 mg, while another part of the site only reports 150 mg per capsule.  This is worrisome for two reasons.  First off, if the manufacturer does not consistently advertise the correct dose, we are unable to know how effective this product will be.  Also, in our extensive research, we found the highest dose of CoQ10 should be between 200-250 mg.  That makes these capsules, depending on their real dosage, either too low or too high in the amount of CoQ10 that they contain.


The manufacturer recommends taking one capsule per day, with food.  Again, without knowing exactly how much CoQ10 is in each capsule, we are unable to correctly evaluate if this dose is effective or not.

Possible Side Effects

While the manufacturer did not list any possible side effects, through our research, we learned that CoQ10 supplements can cause many stomach issues, including pain, nausea, or diarrhea.  This supplement also contains artificial colors, which can be problematic for some diets.  Also, people who take Warfarin should avoid taking this supplement.  If you experience any side effects, you should consult with your healthcare physician before you continue this supplement.


Instead of buying this product direct from the manufacturer, customers are sent to a third party seller.  This seller has the Manufacturer Suggested Retail Price for a 60-count bottle listed at $52.99, but it is currently for sale at only $29.99.  While the purchase price of this supplement is less expensive than others we have seen, because the third party is an Australian company, shipping to the US costs an additional $29.95, making this a very expensive purchase price overall.


Neither the manufacturer nor the third party seller offers a guarantee on this product.  The third party seller also does not accept the return of medications or supplements.  If you decide to purchase this product and are unhappy, you will be unable to receive a refund for the purchase price of this supplement.

Our Nutra-Life CoQ10 300 mg Review – Conclusion

There are a few things we liked about Nutra-Life CoQ10 300 mg.  First off, the initial purchase price of this product is less expensive than other supplements we have seen.  Also, the supplement does have a simple ingredient list.

Unfortunately, we have many concerns about this product.  The manufacturer’s website was unclear about the true dosage of this product, so we are unable to know the effectiveness of this supplement.  There are also quite a few possible side effects we found in our research.  Lastly, because the manufacturer sends you to a third party to purchase this product, shipping becomes very expensive and there is no guarantee on this product.  For these reasons, we cannot recommend this supplement.

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Vitamin Shoppe Ubiquinol CoQ-10 Review

In today’s review, we are taking a closer look at Ubiquinol CoQ-10. It consists of CoQ-10, which is a nutrient for energy reproduction by every cell in the body. Since CoQ-10 is found in most tissues in the body and the highest concentration of it is in the heart, kidneys and liver, therefore, it protects those organs the most. The product does not contain artificial flavors, citrus, corn, dairy, gluten, preservatives and salt.


  • Vitamin E – plays the role of an antioxidant that prevents free radical damage to specific fats in the body, which are critical for your health and aging.
  • Ubiquinol – an active co-enzyme that supports the health of the brain, heart, liver and kidneys.

The other ingredients that may be found in the product are Medium Chain Triglycerides, Gelatin, Glycerin, Beeswax, Water, Soy Lecithin, Betacarotene, Carob and Rosemary Extract.


Prior to the use of this product, visit your health professional to determine the tailored use of the product, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or have a medical condition. The manufacturer has recommended that a dose should be 1 soft gel to be consumed with a meal once a day.

Possible Side Effects

Since the manufacturer has not stated any side effects, we searched beyond the scope of the official website. Only one customer testimonial is available on Amazon, which tells us that this product has not been purchased by many people.


The product is available from the official website, not on Amazon. You may purchase the 120 soft gels bottle for $79.99. Shipping is included in the price, however, a discount is not.


We searched for a guarantee on the manufacturer’s site as well as Amazon, and we realized that there is no guarantee offered for this product. As the guarantee is absent, we have to wonder if the manufacturer has faith in its product to deliver results to its consumers. If the manufacturer was certain of the product’s ability to deliver results, a guarantee would have been included.

Our Ubiquinol CoQ-10 Review – Conclusion

Vitamin Shoppe has released Ubiquinol CoQ-10, which is a nutrient for energy reproduction by every cell in the body. Since CoQ-10 is found in most tissues in the body and the highest concentration of it is in the heart, kidneys and liver, it protects those organs the most. We could not report on any side effects as we searched for customer testimonials, yet we found only one testimonial on Amazon. This tells us that only several customers have purchased this product. The manufacturer has not made any guarantee available for the product. The absence of a guarantee for the product tells us that the manufacturer may possibly not have faith in the product to deliver results to its consumers. If the manufacturer truly believed in the product, a guarantee would be naturally included. As there is only one customer testimonial and no guarantee offered for the product, we cannot determine what the side effects of the product are, which makes this product a highly risky purchase.

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Nature’s Bounty CoQ10 Review

This is our review for a product called Nature’s Bounty CoQ10.  Nature’s Bounty CoQ10 is a dietary supplement that it intended to improve cardiovascular health, and restore COQ10 levels in people on Statin medication. Statin medication reduces COQ10 levels in the body, therefore, this supplement helps replenish what was depleted by the medication. The manufacturer claims that their CoQ10 is sourced from yeast fermentation and not from tobacco as it is with some CoQ10.


  • Calories
  • Calories from fat
  • Q-Sob Coenzyme Q10

Q-Sob Coenzyme Q10 is also referred to as CoQ10 or Coenzyme Q 10. It is known to be very important for the heart health. It helps improve the production of energy in the heart, pancreas, liver, and kidneys, which then improves the way that these organs function. We could not find any information on the benefits of calories as ingredients in a product. We found it strange that they are listed as ingredients because calories are normally listed in nutrition information and not in supplements facts as it is with Nature’s Bounty CoQ10.

Other ingredients: Rice Bran Oil, Titanium Dioxide Color, Soy Lecithin, and Vegetable Glycerine


The recommended dose is one softgel daily, taken with meals.

Possible Side Effects

CoQ10 is known to lower blood pressure, which could be a problem if you already have a low blood pressure. Other possible side effects for CoQ10 include diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting nausea, skin rashes and upset stomach. This product is intended for adults only. Speak to your doctor before taking Nature’s Bounty CoQ10 if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking any kind of medication or have an existing medical condition.


Nature’s Bounty CoQ10 can be bought online from third-party retailers. The price differs per retailer, according to the amount of softgels in a bottle and the milligrams of each softgels. We found the measurements very confusing when looking for prices. There is a bottle with 39 softgels that are 400mg each, there is one with 80 softgels that are 200mg each, there is another one with 60 softgels that are 100mg each. There is also another bottle with 45 softgels that are 200mg each. It is not easy to tell which one is the cheapest deal because prices vary per retailer. Nevertheless, 39 capsules (400mg) cost between $17.99 and $22.99, 60 capsules (100mg) cost between $18.99 and $23.99, and 80 capsules (200mg) cost between $20.99 and $24.99.


We did not find any information relating to the manufacturer’s guarantee and it appears that they might not have one. It is concerning not to have a guarantee for a product that affects one of the most important organs in the body because this means that the manufacturer is not confident about the effectiveness of the product.

Our Nature’s Bounty CoQ10 Review-Conclusion

Nature’s Bounty CoQ10 contains CoQ10, which has been proven to be beneficial for supporting the body’s most vital organs like the heart, liver, pancreas and kidneys. It is also known to be effective for restoring CoQ10 levels in the body, especially for people who are taking Statin medication. We would like to believe that this product is effective, however, there are some concerns, which make us doubt its effectiveness.
“Calories” and “Calories from fat” are listed under supplement facts, which means they are some of the ingredients of this product. We could not find any information as to why they are listed as ingredients, and their use. Calories are usually listed under nutrition facts because they refer to energy that individuals get from food and the energy they use in physical activity. It does not make sense how it is an ingredient. We also found the prices and measurements of the product very confusing. Considering these, and the fact that there is no money-back guarantee despite the side effects that CoQ10 has, we do not have faith in this product. We recommend that you look for something else.

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Vitafusion CoQ10 Gummy Vitamins Review

Vitafusion has formulated a chewable natural peach flavor supplement that provides the body with CoQ10. This supplement is designed to promote a healthy heart by supplying energy to the tissues of the heart and preventing oxidative damage. Today we are conducting a review of Vitafusion CoQ10 Gummy Vitamins to see how effective this product is.


  • Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) – 200 mg

Other Ingredients

  • Glucose syrup
  • Sucrose
  • Water
  • Gelatin
  • Citric acid
  • Fractionated coconut oil
  • Beeswax
  • Lactic acid
  • Natural flavor


The recommended dosage is 2 supplements per day. This product is a chewable gummy that is made with a natural flavor as well as gelatin which should be chewed thoroughly before swallowing. The suggested dosage should not be exceeded.

Possible Side Effects

This product should not be used without consulting a doctor if you are pregnant or have a medical condition. While the manufacturer has only mentioned these potential risks, they have not included any side effects. Research shows that side effects associated with CoQ10 include rashes, nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, sensitivity to light, irritability, headache, heartburn, and fatigue.


Each bottle contains 60 gummies and is available for purchase online directly from various retailers. One bottle costs $13.00 to $25.00 depending on the retailer. Some suppliers offer 2 and 3 pack options which range from $32.00 to $59.00. The manufacturer has a coupon available for a $1.00 discount on this product.


Vitafusion does not provide a money back guarantee on this product. Third party suppliers may have their own refund policy, however, that does not take away from the fact that the manufacturer themselves have not provided any confidence in this product by offering consumers peace of mind with a risk-free purchase. There have been no reviews that suggest consumers have been able to get a refund for this product.

Our Vitafusion CoQ10 Gummy Vitamins Review – Conclusion

We admire Vitafusion’s vision of planting 200,000 fruit trees by 2020 in underserved communities and their holistic approach to well being, however, we do have some concerns about the supplement. Our first concern is that Vitafusion advertises that this product is free of wheat, gluten, milk, eggs, peanuts, and soy, however, the official website has a disclaimer which mentions that this product is made in a facility with products that contain egg, fish, shellfish, soy and tree nuts. We are also concerned that many consumers have complained that they have been misled by the manufacturer’s information which advertises that the product contains 200 mg but 2 gummies are required a day to get that mg strength making the 60 count bottle very costly for only 1 months supply. Consumers are better off choosing a product that is backed by a guarantee, vegetarian-friendly, contains no allergens, and provides clear information about the serving strength.

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Walgreens CoQ10 Review

Walgreens’ product, CoQ10 200 mg, is the focus of this review. The manufacturer claims that this dietary supplement supports heart health, and that it encourages energy production. In addition, this supplement is an antioxidant aiding in preventing free radicals from damaging cells in the body.


The active ingredient is Coenzyme Q-10 (200 mg). This substance is similar to a vitamin and is found in each cell of the human body, where it is  produced. In addition, it is used by cells to produce energy which allows for cell growth and upkeep.  It acts as an antioxidant protecting the body from free radicals that can damage cells.


The makers of this dietary supplement recommend a daily dose of 1 soft-gel capsule with a meal. However, the makers also warn to stop taking these capsules if there are any adverse side effects.

Possible Side Effects

Although this supplement is free from yeast, wheat, gluten, milk or milk derivatives, lactose, sugar, preservatives, artificial flavors, and sodium. It is not suitable for people with soy allergies. Also, pregnant women, and nursing mothers, or persons on prescription medication or with a medical condition, should first consult a doctor before taking this product.


Walgreens’ CoQ10 200 mg is available online on the company’s website at $24.99 for 90 capsules, excluding the shipping fee. The company offers a mix-and-match deal in which one purchased product comes with one free.


The company offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee. The policy states that the unused portion should be returned within 30 days after the purchase and with the original receipt. Customers will receive a full refund, which includes the shipping fee. If the product is returned after 30 days, buyers will receive a store credit to be used for another purchase.

Our CoQ10 200 mg Review – Conclusion

CoQ10 200 mg seems a good product supported by a good money-back guarantee.  In addition, the dosage instructions are clear. Therefore the maximum benefit may be obtained from this product. However, the free-trial period of less than 30 days does not afford the user sufficient time for testing the efficacy of this product. Taking more time risks the non-return of the purchase price, however, a store credit will be given. Furthermore, the formula itself is a problem. Firstly, there are other similar products on the market that contain more Coenzyme Q10 than this supplement. Others contain BioPerine (Piperine) which allows for better absorption of Coenzyme Q10, thus making the product more effective. It may therefore be better to select a similar product, one that offers a good guarantee, and one in which ingredients are more plentiful and better formulated. A more comfortable free trial period is needed to decide whether this product is suitable.

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Zenith Nutrition CoQ10 Plus Review

This review is for a product called Zenith Nutrition CoQ10 Plus, one of many dietary supplements for heart health available on the market. The manufacturer claims that this product is an advanced form of Coenzyme  Q10 (CoQ10) because it includes vitamin E, which provides greater antioxidant support and protection to the heart. CoQ10 helps with the production of cellular energy in organs such as the heart.. The manufacturer claims that supplementing the body with CoQ10 daily helps maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels, which contributes to the overall heart health.


  • Vitamin E
  • Coenzyme Q10 (Ubiquinone) (Naturally fermented)

Coenzyme Q10 is known for its strength to increase energy production in the heart and other vital organs in the body. Vitamin E however has been proven to have no benefit at all to the heart health. Recent research indicates that there is a potential that Vitamin E might be harmful than beneficial to the heart. We are concerned that Vitamin E has been included in Zenith Nutrition CoQ10 Plus because it might alter the effectiveness of CoQ10 in it.

Other ingredients: Dicalcium Phosphate and Vegetarian capsules.


The recommended dosage is one capsule taken daily or as directed by your healthcare professional. It is not indicated whether you take it with or without food.

Possible Side Effects

Possible side effects for CoQ10 include diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting nausea, skin rashes and upset stomach.  It is also known to lower blood pressure, which could be a problem if you already have a low blood pressure.


Zenith Nutrition CoQ10 Plus is available online from various retailers and from the manufacturer’s website. The price is $19.53 for 60 capsules, $36.90 for 120 capsules and $37.84 for 240 capsules in a bottle. Some retailers sell the product in bulks, but you need to send an email indicating that you want to buy in bulks. Discounts are available at selected retailers. We noticed that the product is out of stock from some retailers. This may seem as a good thing because it could mean that people are buying it, however it is a problem when you run out of your supplements and you need more and you can’t find them because they are out of stock.


The manufacturer states clearly that there is no guarantee that this supplement will be effective on you, as results depend on each individual and other factors.  Returns are only accepted if there is something wrong with the product. If that is the case, you need to inform them within 24 hours of receiving the product. The product should be unused and should be sent back with the original box.

Our Zenith Nutrition CoQ10 Plus Review – Conclusion

Zenith Nutrition CoQ10 has a potential to be effective, considering that CoQ10 is a well-known supplement that supports heart health. Its price is reasonable and you are able to buy it in bulks if you want to. We are concerned that Vitamin E is included because recent research indicates that it provides no benefit to the heart. The manufacturer also clearly states on their website that they do not guarantee that this supplement will work for you. Considering the inclusion of Vitamin E, the lack of guarantee and possible side effects, buying this product is a risk. Rather look for a product that does not have Vitamin E and one that is backed by a money-back guarantee in case you need to return it.

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Doctors Best High Absorption CoQ10 Review

This review examines a product manufactured by Doctors Best called High Absorption CoQ10. High Absorption CoQ10 softgels are designed to promote heart vitality, promote cardiovascular health and increase cellular energy. Levels of CoQ10 begin to decline naturally after age 40 and drugs prescribed for high cholesterol have also been associated with notable side effects that may drain the body’s CoQ10 levels. This product is specifically designed to raise levels of CoQ10 in individuals who have decreased levels.


There are three stages in cellular respiration or energy production. Ubiquinone is a coenzyme which is vital to the third phase of cellular respiration called oxidative phosphorylation. It is also a powerful antioxidant. Increasing levels of ubiquinone in the body can therefore improve energy production and reduce inflammation and tissue damage which are caused by oxidants.

Black pepper extract is often added to natural products to improve the absorption of their natural ingredients. Gelatin is added as a packing material to create the soft gel consistency.


Adults should take one softgel of Doctor’s Best High Absorption CoQ10 daily or as directed by a physician. The capsule should be taken with food to increase its absorption. Each capsule delivers 100 mg of coenzyme Q10.

Possible Side Effects

There are no listed side effects however users are advised to consult their healthcare provider before use if they are taking any prescription medications or if they have a medical condition. The softgels are made with gelatin which makes this product unsuitable for vegetarians or vegans. The softgels also contain soy which means that persons with soy allergies will not be able to use this product.


One bottle of Doctor’s Best High Absorption COQ10  Softgels contains 120 softgels and can be purchased from third party retailers for $12.93 or 60 softgels for $9.14 . There is no discount offered for purchasing many bottles at once.


The manufacturer does not offer any form of guarantee on this product. This is slightly concerning because when we researched the customer reviews we found that only 68% of the customers were completely satisfied which means that 32% of customers did not receive their money back for a product which did not work completely for them.

Our Doctors Best High Absorption Coq10 Review – Conclusion

The science behind this product is definitely strong and the product is offered at a very reasonable price.

This manufacturer does have some shortfalls in customer support. Their use of gelatin in the soft gel does not consider vegan or vegetarian customers.  They also offer no discount for buying in bulk on a product which is conclusively designed for long-term use so use of this product is therefore more expensive and tedious for the customer to use. They also don’t offer any form of guarantee which even suggests a lack of confidence in their product to achieve the results they claim it does. From our research, we have certainly found other manufacturers which have much stronger customer support policies.

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Thompson’s High Strength Ultra CoQ10 Review

High Strength Ultra CoQ10 is designed to help benefit your general health and well being. The formula works by preventing free radical damage to cells, protecting the heart and providing temporary short-term relief from fatigue. The manufacturers claim that this product contains a high potency dose of an oil-based Coenzyme Q10 which is readily absorbed.

In this review of Thompson’s High Strength Ultra CoQ10, we look at the facts to see if this product lives up to its claims of containing a high potency formula of CoQ10.


This product contains 300 mg of Coenzyme Q10 as the only active ingredient. Coenzyme is high in antioxidants and responsible for producing energy within the cells as well as protecting the cells from free radical damage. It is essential for many functions and chemicals in the body and since our bodies stop producing this enzyme with age, it is important to replenish these levels. While the manufacturer has stated that it is free of artificial colorants, it seems that the additional ingredients in this formula are colorings, encapsulating aids and antioxidants.


This product comes in convenient easy to swallow capsules.Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not list if these capsules are made from vegetarian-friendly sources or if it made from gelatin. The recommended dose is one capsule a day with meals or as prescribed by a doctor.

Possible Side Effects

While there are no side effects listed by the manufacturer, research shows that people taking doses higher than 300 mg may suffer from some side effects such as rashes, nausea, abdominal pain, dizziness, sensitivity to light, irritability, headache, heartburn, and fatigue. This product should not be taken without consulting a doctor if you are on warfarin.


High Strength Ultra CoQ10  can only be purchased online from authorized third-party retailers. The product retails from $23.00 to $25.00 depending on the supplier. There are no discounts or bulk purchase options available for this product.


Since this product cannot be purchased directly from the manufacturer, there is no guarantee policy in place for consumers. We were unable to find any customer reviews that suggest consumers were able to get a refund. The lack of guarantee has us doubting this product’s effectiveness.

Our Thompson’s High Strength Ultra CoQ10 Review – Conclusion

Thompson’s has some promise when it comes to providing cardiovascular health with the use of CoQ10 in convenient capsules, however, we do have a few doubts about this product. The first concern is that the manufacturer has not mentioned the source of the colorings and encapsulating aids even though the product states that there are no additional artificial colorants or flavors. Our second concern is that there is no guarantee for this formula and no customer reviews from trustworthy sources, this leaves us questioning this product effectiveness and provides us with no confidence in the formula. Our final concern is that the daily serving of CoQ10 may cause side effects in some and the manufacturer has failed to note this on the product. Our conclusion is that it may be in your best interest to look for a product that offers a guarantee and clearly informs you about the source of its ingredients.

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Cooper Complete’s CoQ10 Review

In the review below, the product CoQ10 100 mg, by the manufacturer Cooper Completed, will be investigated. The manufacturers claim that the goal of this dietary supplement is to support healthy heart function, help to maintain a healthy cholesterol level, and reduce muscle pain. The product also helps with natural energy levels and neurological health. The company claims that their main ingredient, Ubiquinol, is a more bioavailable form of Coenzyme Q10 than the common Ubiquinone form. Although Ubiqinone is converted to Ubiquinol naturally, as one ages, this process becomes less effective.


The active ingredient in the formula used by this product is Ubiquinol (a reduced form of CoQ10, 100 mg). Ubiquinol is a more bioavailable from of CoQ10, allowing for a better uptake of this substance. CoQ10 is an antioxidant found in every cell in the body. It acts as a catalyst, converting food into energy. Although this formula makes use of a more bioavailable form of CoQ10, it is only necessary to consider absorption of this substance after the age of 40 when absorption slows down. However, Coenzyme products, based on the point of absorption, can still be effective, particularly when piperine is added.

Other ingredients include olive oil, gelatin, glycerin, ascorbyl palmate, water, yellow beeswax, sunflower lecithin, and carob extract.


The manufacturer suggests taking one capsule daily, or as instructed by a doctor. Otherwise, the dosage instructions are unclear. There is no mention of best time to take the capsule, or whether to do so with food or liquid. Our research also found a problem with this maker’s supplier, in that the capsules are not always a standard size. The capsules may, at times, be too large to swallow easily.

Possible Side Effects

The manufacturers of this product state that it is free from yeast, gluten, dairy, corn, sodium, sugar, starch, artificial coloring, preservatives and flavoring. This means that people with food allergies will be able to take this supplement. However, as this product contains gelatin, it is not suitable for vegans or vegetarians. There is a warning from the manufacturers that pregnant women, and nursing mothers, or anyone on prescription medication, should first consult a doctor before taking this supplement.


CoQ10 100 mg is available online, directly from the makers of the product, Cooper Complete, at $35.98 for 30 soft-gel capsules. There are no discounts available on this product, but a locked-in option of a subscription is offered.


The manufacturer does provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee. You may thus return the product for a full refund. It is optional whether to provide a reason for the return − there is no obligation to do so. In terms of the return policy, there is a three weeks’ waiting period before the refund check will arrive. Of greater concern, is that, despite our search, we were unable to find a clear cut-off date for returns to be made. It is therefore best to contact the manufacturer before buying the product, checking on the expiry date for possible return of the product.

Our CoQ10 100 mg Review – Conclusion

CoQ10 100 mg is a worthwhile dietary supplement, supported by a 100% money back guarantee, even though some details of the return policy are lacking. However, the company does allow a free trial of this product. In addition, ordering this product is easy − you may do so online, on their website. However, be careful of being locked into a subscription. You may not like the product, or only realize after you have ordered it, for instance, that it contains gelatin. If you are vegan, you have to wait for up to three weeks to receive your refund. It is also regrettable that the manufacturers do not offer a discount on bulk sales, thereby saving you money in the long term.

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