CoQ10, Minerals, And Herbs For Heart Health

CoQ10, Minerals, And Herbs For Heart Health

When it comes to heart disease, you can never be too cautious. About 610,000 Americans die of cardiovascular-related illnesses each year. Prevention is always better than cure and by feeding your body the right minerals and nutrients, it reduces the risk. This is a list of heart-healthy herbs and minerals that will benefit your heart naturally.



Magnesium is responsible for countless biochemical reactions in the body, many of which are essential to a proper metabolic function. Not only does Magnesium play crucial roles in energy generation and cell growth, it also helps decrease the risk of heart disease.The average American diet lacks the necessary amount of Magnesium needed by the body and the consequences may be severe. Taking Magnesium supplements benefits your heart and overall health, here are some of the reasons why:

  • Magnesium regulates blood sugar and improves insulin resistance
  • Promotes a steady healthy heartbeat
  • Regulates cholesterol production
  • Lowers blood pressure


The correct balance of Potassium is imperative in supporting a healthy heart. Potassium regulates the balance of water and minerals throughout the body. It is known to lower blood pressure from a high sodium diet. An insufficient intake of Potassium can result in both the muscles and nerves weakening and being unable to function properly. The same applies to an excess of Potassium, which may result in a dangerous and possibly life-threatening change in the heart rhythm. It is crucial to get your Potassium levels checked regularly and take the necessary supplements if you are not getting enough.

Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is found in every cell of the body and is responsible for producing the energy needed for cell growth and maintenance. CoQ10 is essential to heart health as it produces the energy necessary for the heart to work and functions as an antioxidant which protects the heart from damage. Factors such as age and low cholesterol affect the production of CoQ10. Taking CoQ10 supplements ensures that your body has the correct amount to keep your heart beating strong and healthy.



Garlic is a robust anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent that is significant in decreasing the risk of heart disease. Known as the Russian penicillin, garlic was used during the World War to prevent wounds from getting infected. Garlic has several antibiotic properties and promotes a healthy heart by:

  • Lowering high cholesterol
  • Lowering high blood pressure
  • Protecting arteries from hardening
  • Lowering triglycerides

Hawthorn Berries

Otherwise known as the cardiotonic herb, these berries have been used for centuries for many cardiovascular benefits. Hawthorn berries are packed with antioxidants that neutralize free radical cells. There are many reasons why Hawthorn berry is known to reduce the risk of heart disease:

  • Hawthorn berries strengthen heart muscles
  • Eases strain on the heart by promoting improved circulation
  • Lowers high blood pressure


Much like garlic, ginger is also known as a wonder herb because of its powerful anti-inflammatory properties not only for the digestive system but for the heart as well. Ginger is not only easy to find, it is also inexpensive. Including ginger in your daily meals promotes a healthy heart and here are some reasons why:

  • Ginger promotes circulation
  • Gingers “warming effect” stimulates the heart and cleanses the body through perspiration
  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Prevents blood from clotting
  • Prevents plaque buildup on artery walls

A Healthy Diet And CoQ10 For A Healthy Heart

A Healthy Diet And CoQ10 For A Healthy Heart

Regardless of your age, stamina, exercise routine or if you are recuperating from a heart attack or inhibiting the possibilities of one, you need a healthy diet to keep your heart strong. To have a healthy heart you need to fill up your plate with food that is healthy. Supplementing with CoQ10 has also been found to provide many healthy heart benefits. Besides composing a list of healthy foods, you need to be aware of the foods that are not healthy for your heart. We will examine the foods that are good for your heart and which foods to limit to ensure you minimize your risk of heart disease.


Studies have revealed that yogurt fights gum disease. It has been proven that if gum disease is not treated, it can increase the possibility of heart disease. Studies conducted in Japan discovered that a high intake of dairy, especially yogurt, leads to healthy gums.

Whole Grains

Persons who consume a lot of whole grains are usually leaner and are at less risk of having heart disease than persons who do not. Whole grains consist of antioxidants, which fight coronary disease. Whole grains, also, contain high-fiber. Studies indicate that a large intake of high-fiber foods reduced the risk of getting heart disease by 40%.


Consumption of beans on a regular basis leads to a healthy heart and all that is necessary is half a cup of pinto beans, which will decrease cholesterol. A chemical called flavonoids are found in beans, which protects the heart.


If you are looking for protein, then eggs are the correct choice. Despite the nutrients, eggs contain saturated fats. As eggs are part of most people’s diets, opt for the healthy method by removing the yolk and consuming only 6 eggs per week.


Even the healthiest of hearts crave chocolate at times. Omit white chocolate from your diet. The International Journal of Molecular Science has stated that consuming dark chocolate in moderation reduces blood pressure. How moderation should be defined, we are not sure.


The American Heart Association has warned the public to not take in more than 150 calories of added sugar daily. For the healthy alternative, try stevia or erythritol. Instead of drinking fizzy drinks, choose pure natural fruit juice.


This fish is a great choice for keeping your heart healthy. Salmon contains heaps of omega-3 fatty acids, which have an anti-clotting effect that keeps your blood flowing. The American Heart Association recommends two meals of oily fish weekly.


Monounsaturated fats are found in walnuts, and experts suggest that by eating 5 ounces every week, you reduce the possibility of having heart disease by half.


A great source of soluble fiber is chickpeas. By consuming chickpeas, you lower your level of cholesterol. Make sure you choose the no-salt canned beans, otherwise, wash them with water if they contain salt.

Having a healthy heart consists of eating the right food and avoiding the unhealthy food. To give your heart the best fighting chance, incorporate exercise into your healthy diet and omit tobacco.

The Anti-Aging Benefits of CoQ10

The Anti-Aging Benefits of CoQ10

CoQ10 is short for a natural enzyme found in your body called Coenzyme Q10. Research has divulged findings that CoQ10 supplements can maintain healthy cells and increase cell function. CoQ10 helps stops aging processes built naturally into cells by reducing the amount of high oxidation (oxidant stress) and damage to the powerhouse of the cell (mitochondria). To provide energy to your cells, the cell uses CoQ10 for fuel. It has been found that the older you are, CoQ10 levels found in your blood are depleted.

What benefits do CoQ10 supplements have?

Lower than normal levels of CoQ10 can slow the cell’s ability to burn fuel, as well as accelerate aging in cells. Damage to the oxidant levels of the cell is proven to have shortened a person’s lifespan. Taking CoQ10 supplements assist the mitochondria and even reverses the aging process of cells, which promotes a longer, healthier life. Ways in which CoQ10 helps in the treatment of a disease and reduces side-effects of medications is detailed below.

Studies on CoQ10 levels in worms and mice have proven that their cells benefited greatly from taking CoQ10 supplements. Results of this experiment show that prove that a cell’s function rebounds when treated with CoQ10, returning to a point where cell functions respond more quickly in a youthful manner. When translating these findings to that of a human’s lifespan, this could mean that humans could live up to nine years longer with the aid of a supplement of CoQ10.

How can CoQ10 improve the brain’s function and reinvigorate overly-oxidized brain cells?

Neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) benefit from CoQ10.  All of these diseases are rooted in what is called “mitochondrial dysfunction,” in which cells do not output the correct amount of energy that is needed to maintain a healthy body. Without cells outputting energy, oxidation of the blood and chronic inflammation occurs. Cells not working properly will produce and deposit certain abnormal proteins which cause cells to eventually lose their function altogether and eventually die. IN neurodegenerative disorders, cell death results in slowed movements, cognitive impairment, and dementia. An addition of CoQ10 can stop cell deterioration and even destroy the abnormal protein deposits, reversing these unfortunate effects. Of course, there are many treatments for Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and other diseases, but CoQ10 fundamentally alters cell function while reversing detrimental side-effects.

Not only can CoQ10 maintain brain cells and prevent them from deteriorating, it also has shown to help normalize brain function. Mental illnesses such as depression and even schizophrenia have common roots as they both have side effects caused by mitochondrial dysfunction and high levels of oxidation in the brain. When taking a CoQ10 supplement, studies have shown to decrease symptoms of mental disorders.

How can CoQ10 improve cardiovascular function?

CoQ10 has proven to improve blood oxygenation and heart rate in people suffering from lung diseases, high blood pressure, and/or diabetes. Diabetes and other metabolic diseases cause a higher oxidation in body tissues, while simultaneously lowering blood sugar levels. People suffering from high blood pressure are often prescribed medication under the category of “statins”. However, statins lower the natural occurrence of CoQ10 in the blood. A supplement of CoQ10 can combat any of these side effects and help balance the oxygen levels in your blood.

CoQ10: Summing Up

The coenzyme Q10 is already naturally found in the body, but a supplement has proven to greatly benefit many different people. It has shown to decrease side effects brought on by highly oxygenated blood and mitochondrial dysfunction, affecting all parts of the body from the brain to the heart. Results of CoQ10 supplement studies have shown to lengthen and improve quality of life.

CoQ10 Benefits For Heart Attack Patients

CoQ10 Benefits For Heart Attack Patients

Produced naturally by your body, the Coenzyme Q10 is an over-the-counter supplement that helps cells produce energy. When using certain medications prescribed to people who have suffered a heart attack, CoQ10 is produced less and less. Unlike other antioxidants, Q10 is produced especially for healthy cells. Your cells constantly grow and need maintenance, and especially if you have low cholesterol or congenital heart defects, you will have a lack of CoQ10 that must be replenished in order to stay healthy. Below you will see the effects of CoQ10 in patients who have suffered from a heart attack, and how this natural supplement is emerging more and more in treatments to help you maintain a healthy heart.

Who Needs CoQ10?

If you are taking medication called statins that help lower your cholesterol, you should add supplements to assist higher antioxidant levels in your blood. Additionally, the older you are the less CoQ10 is found in your body. Reducing any muscle-related side effects from statins or aging is helped by taking a supplement of CoQ10, as reported by the Mayo Clinic. This supplement also helps treat high blood pressure and other muscle pains that might occur after someone suffers from a heart attack.

The Results

Hundreds of tests have taken place to see CoQ10’s effectiveness. In one randomized clinical trial recorded here, one group of patients with heart problems took Q10 as a supplement for three months. Afterwards, not only were patients more physically fit, their emotional health had also improved. Many studies like this were performed, some double-blind, testing to see whether a higher amount of antioxidants were helpful in patients recovering from the results of heart attacks. In most cases, there were significant changes and improvements in patients after taking Q10.

After two years, patients regularly taking CoQ10 were half as likely to be hospitalized from other heart-related problems. The death rate for people with similar symptoms plummeted as well; only half the amount of heart attack patients passed away due to heart-related issues.

CoQ10: What You Can Do Now

A lot of the time medications that you take to help your heart or prevent heart failure often have other unwanted side effects that block cell regrowth and other processes. Without cellular energy, your body has other deficiencies which effect the heart and creates a cycle that often arises in already weaker hearts. If you have suffered from a heart attack or currently have a heart disease, you may have an energy starved heart.

So, what can you do to help prevent an energy-starved heart? Taking a natural antioxidant is proven to help. It is reported that CoQ10 assists patients with heart disease and heart failure, a natural cure that is only just now starting to show as a standard treatment. Although some people are still skeptical about it, it has been proven in hundreds of clinical trials that besides ACE inhibitors and beta blockers, antioxidants in the blood help with treating heart diseases.

Red Wine, CoQ10 & Heart Health

Red Wine, CoQ10 & Heart Health

There is still much debate about whether daily consumption of red wine is beneficial to physical health. Many scientific studies have linked the intake of red wine to a decreased chance of developing certain conditions – such as cardiovascular disease. An interesting paradox – known as the French Paradox, has baffled health scientists for a while. Scientists often wondered why French people seem to have a low rate of cardiovascular disease, despite the large amounts of fat they consume. It has been suggested that because they also drink fair amounts of red wine, their hearts are protected.  On the other hand, red wine is an alcoholic beverage, and with that, it carries some detrimental health effects. The answer to this debate lies in closely examining and comparing the effects of various substances present in red wine.

Diet is very important when it comes to our health. CoQ10 is a key enzyme for boosting heart health and health in general. Taking a quality CoQ10 supplement, alongside a healthy diet and the occasional glass of red wine could add years to your life. Read on for more information regarding these key elements for longevity and good health.

Components of red wine

Red wine is made from crushed and fermented dark grapes. These grapes contain many antioxidant substances such as resveratrol and proanthocyanidins. These antioxidants remove free oxygen radicals from the cellular environment in the body, where the are produced by regular cell metabolism. Excessive amounts of these free oxygen radicals can damage cell membranes, proteins and even DNA. This damage can then lead to inflammation, blood clotting, tissue aging, cancer and heart disease. However, the amount of resveratrol in one bottle of red wine is quite low.  Red wine also contains around 12 to 15% alcohol. Alcohol can have either good or bad effect on the body, depending on the amount that is consumed.

Beneficial effects of red wine

Based on its antioxidant properties, many studies have been conducted to determine the health effects of red wine. One study found that moderate consumption of red wine leads to a decreased risk of stroke in men. Another study found that alcohol-free red wine decreased blood pressure. A different study compared the risk of heart disease amongst different kinds of alcohol consumers and found that those who consumed red wine had much lower risk than beer or spirit drinkers. Moreover, a variety of studies associated the moderate consumption of red wine with reduced risk of cancer, depression and insulin resistance.

Negative effects of red wine

Alcohol is not often used for therapeutic reasons because the amount which is clinically useful is very close to the amount that causes toxic effects. Alcohol has been shown to increase the risk of depression and to cause liver cirrhosis. It is also possible to develop an alcohol dependence when alcohol is regularly consumed.

Red wine specifically also contains a large number of calories – double the amount than in beer or sugary soda. Excessive daily consumption of red wine could, therefore, lead to weight gain.


Just like any substance, too much red wine can outweigh the benefits that it provides. Many experts conclude that there is no major health reason to begin drinking red wine daily, as the antioxidants it contains are available in other foods and in supplements. However, if you enjoy drinking it, red wine can have long-term health benefits. The key to obtaining these benefits is to moderate your intake. 1-2 glasses a day is ideal for men and 1-1,5 glasses a day for women.

The Amazing Combination Of CoQ10 And Meditation

The Amazing Combination Of CoQ10 And Meditation

For a long time, meditation was only practiced in the West by gurus, hippies, and seekers of all kinds. Today, however, this ancient spiritual practice is popular among everyone from hedge fund managers to movie stars. Many of the world’s most successful companies offer meditation sessions to their employees, and at least one sports team trains its athletes to meditate as well as play.

The psychological benefits of meditation have been demonstrated in numerous studies, and it is well-known as a tool for stress reduction and increased concentration. However, meditation can improve not only your psychological health but your physical health.

CoQ10 has been clinically shown to boost cognitive energy and aid brain health. A quality CoQ10 supplement can work wonders when it comes to optimizing our minds. What would happen if you took a quality CoQ10 supplement alongside doing regular meditation practice? The results almost speak for themselves. If taking advantage of these two proven cognitive boosters we suggest that you do you homework when it comes to a quality supplement, make sure that you are investing in something that is going to get you great results. Then, add on meditation, the benefits really are great!

Here are 3 ways that meditation can change your body as well as your mind.

1) Pain Relief

Approximately 15 percent of American adults suffer from chronic pain, including arthritis, back pain, and migraines. In many cases, meditation has been proven to ease symptoms of these ailments, even for people who are completely new to the practice. Doctors identify it as a less expensive, less dangerous, and more sustainable alternative to narcotics or chemical pain relievers.

According to studies of meditation in chronic pain patients, meditation relaxes the sympathetic nervous system. When our bodies or minds are under stress, this system accelerates, leading to higher heart rate, increased blood pressure, constricted blood vessels, and eventually pain. Meditation prevents the nervous system from responding in this way, cutting off chronic pain at the root.

2) A Good Night’s Sleep

Meditation relaxes the body and mind, leading to more and better sleep. A recent study published in the New York Times demonstrated that meditation can be a powerful remedy for insomnia, especially in older adults. Meditation eases the mind and central nervous system; this helps you drift off to sleep because racing thoughts and physical or neurological stress are at the core of many sleep problems.

Lack of sleep isn’t only aggravating — it can contribute to further health problems, including diabetes and heart disease. By improving nightly sleep, meditation can be a powerful tool against these common and deadly illnesses.

3) A Stronger Brain

When practiced on a regular basis, meditation seems to have significant and long-term effects on the brain. Recent research has shown that meditation combats the negative impacts of aging on the brain, including Parkinson’s disease, dementia, and general memory loss. Many of these effects are caused by the erosion of telomeres, or protective caps on the ends of our chromosomes, and of gray matter in the brain. Meditation has been shown to slow this erosion, and in some cases even rebuild eroded telomeres and gray matter from scratch.

In addition, meditation can help treat depression, anxiety, and other disorders that affect both the brain and the body.


Meditation can have surprising benefits for your health. Try sitting for 10-15 minutes in a comfortable position, in a dimly lit and quiet room, and focusing on the sound of your breathing. This soothing practice could have a real impact on your body and mind.

Brain Health & CoQ10

Brain Health & CoQ10

Are we really able to boost our intellect and increase our intelligence? The answer is yes. The common myth is that humans only use 10% of our brains and many have sought different ways to increase this figure, however, humans do in fact use a higher percentage of the brain than what we think. We have a few easy tips on how to enhance performance and application of the brain.

Stimulate Both Hemispheres

The brain consists of 2 hemispheres, the left and right. The left hemisphere is utilized when solving mathematical and logical problem solving while the right hemisphere is where your creativity sparks from. Stimulate both sides by practicing and solving mathematical puzzles like sudoku and getting in touch with your creative side by writing short stories or by painting and sketching.

The Power of Omega

Omega-3 fats have been found to influence mental and physical health and have been extensively researched for decades. Omega-3 fat, scientifically known as Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) helps make cell membranes more fluid, improving the function of your brain, eye, and nerve cells. Low levels of DHA have been linked to Alzheimer’s and memory loss. Higher levels of DHA have been found to improve memory, verbal fluency and the rate at which we learn.The body does not produce Omega -3 fats, eating foods such as salmon, soybeans, and flaxseeds increase DHA levels in the body.


Get your heart rate up and your blood pumping. Not only does exercise make us look and feel great, it also encourages our brains to work at optimum capacity. Exercise benefits the body in various ways such as decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases and improved development and survival of neurons. Researchers have found that participating in aerobic exercise alters the size of the hippocampus, the area of the brain involved in verbal memory and learning.

Catch Some rays

Our bodies are designed to absorb vitamin D when exposed to the sun. Getting the appropriate amount of sun is beneficial to the nerve growth in the brain. Vitamin D has also been found to improve brain functions such as planning, processing of information and the formation of new memories. If sun exposure is not an ideal option for you, taking vitamin D3 supplements can aid in keeping your vitamin D levels up.

Listen to Music

Indulging in this simple pleasure while working out or studying can have significant effects on the brain. Listening to music alters the connectivity between auditory brain areas which are responsible for memory and social emotion consolidation. In addition to this, listening to music boosts cognitive levels and verbal fluency. European countries such as Germany have introduced music therapy programs to assist rehabilitation of patients who have had strokes, brain surgery or brain injuries.


Not getting enough sleep impairs the mind and has the same effects as consuming too much alcohol. Sleep is essential for boosting brain power. It helps rejuvenate our body and mind. Ever heard of “sleep on it” when asked to make a decision? This is because sleep helps reset your brain and promotes thinking more creatively and clearly when we are well rested. Getting 7-9 hours sleep a day leaves you feeling rested and ready to take on new challenges for the day.

CoQ10 – Top Heart Health

CoQ10 – Top Heart Health

In 2016 alone, it was recorded that approximately 20 000 new food products were introduced to the US food markets. Cardiovascular-related diseases are the leading cause of death, this statistic is not hard to believe considering the rapid rate at which new foods are being produced. How do we keep up? How do we know what foods are good for us and which to avoid?

Thanks to research we have found some delicious foods to eat for a heart-healthy diet.

Eat Your Heart Out!

We are left in no doubt that CoQ10 can help benefit heart health. But being proactive will get you the very best results and ensure the benefits of CoQ10 are multiplied by eating a healthy diet. Here are some of the healthy alternative that you may want to consider.


Not all carbohydrates are good for you.

Simple carbohydrates such as table sugar, candy and sodas should be avoided. They cause a spike in insulin levels which increases the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure.
Complex carbohydrates which are also known as starchy foods are a healthier alternative and can reduce the risk of many cardiovascular-related diseases.

Barley – Rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamin B6, barley helps lower cholesterol which decreases the risk of heart disease.

Oatmeal – Lines the digestive tracts preventing cholesterol from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

Brown Rice – Switching from white to brown rice is a healthier option. Brown rice is high in magnesium which is an important mineral for regulating blood pressure and neutralizing sodium content in the body.


Protein plays a key role in maintaining and regulating muscles, organs, and tissue. There are however some proteins that contain a higher content of saturated fats which result in higher cholesterol. Knowing the difference is beneficial to your health.

Nuts – Hazelnuts, almonds, and macadamia nuts are examples. Nuts are high in Omega-3, fiber and vitamin E. Vitamin E is essential for preventing plaque build up in the arteries.

Fish – Foods such as mackerel, salmon, and sardines give your heart a healthy boost and lower the risk of heart attacks. Packed with omega-3, these superfoods reduce blood clotting and  lower blood pressure.

Beans and legumes – Not only are they wallet-friendly and versatile, they are a healthy alternative to meat. Beans are a powerhouse of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.

Fruits and Veg

This food group is a no-brainer when it comes to health benefits. Eating a colorful array of vitamins and nutrients is sure to keep any heart risks at bay.

Leafy Greens – Broccoli, kale, and spinach are all examples of healthy green foods. They are high in antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins which reduce inflammation of the artery walls and lower blood pressure.

Tomatoes – Tomatoes are a great source of potassium and protect cells from free-radical damage and hardening of the arteries.

Apples –. Apples act as a natural anti-inflammatory and are full of antioxidants called polyphenols, which much like tomatoes, also protect cells from free-radical damage.


There is a lot of speculation when it comes to fats. A moderation of heart-healthy fats is important to maintaining a balanced diet and should not be eliminated altogether.

Rice bran oil – One of the healthiest cooking oils, rice bran oil has an ideal balance of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. It also reduces the absorption of cholesterol.

Soybean oil – Soybeans contain a variety of essential fatty acids and plant sterols and is known to reduce clogged arteries which lowers the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


Taking a quality CoQ10 supplement alongside a balance healthy diet will get you top results when it comes ot heart health.

Heart Failure & CoQ10

Heart Failure & CoQ10

CoQ10, officially known as Coenzyme Q10, is a substance that resides in the mitochondria and is found in every cell of the body. Its primary functions are to produce energy and protect cells from oxidative stress. Studies have linked it to having the ability to treat cancer, cardiovascular health and cognitive function and headaches. However, recently a ten-year study has conclusively found that CoQ10 can significantly improve the chances of survival for even the most severe heart failure patients. The study found that supplementing with CoQ10 can restore CoQ10 levels in patients with a deficiency which can extend lifespan and increase the quality of life. This article is going to take an in-depth look at this study to learn more about how CoQ10 can benefit patients of heart failure.

How Does CoQ10 Benefit Heart Failure Patients?

A common misconception about heart failure is that it is oftentimes mistaken to mean when a heart stops beating. Rather, heart failure is categorized as when a heart is not able to pump enough blood to sustain normal function in your organs. Your heart is always working and in order to maintain this task, your mitochondria has to efficiently produce energy. CoQ10 is necessary for the heart to maintain enough energy management. When levels of CoQ10 decline, tissues are unable to efficiently burn fuel which leads to oxidative damage and the ultimate loss of their function. When heart muscles lose fuel efficiency heart failure can occur.

Research Shows Great Results

The results of the ten year study showed that patients who took 100 mg of CoQ10, three times a day were found to have significantly reduced the risk of dying from heart failure, were less than half likely to die from any cause and were half as likely to have a major adverse cardiac event during the study period. After a trial time of only three months of supplementing with CoQ10, researchers found reduced levels of a blood marker of heart failure severity that comes from overworked heart muscles. At the two-year mark, research found that patients had improved measurements of heart function that those who took a placebo.

The study’s main endpoint measurement was the biggest market of the study’s success in determining the benefits of CoQ10 for patients with heart failure. The study found that only fourteen percent of patients in the group that supplemented with CoQ10 had to be hospitalized for worsened heart failure, died from a cardiovascular cause, needed an urgent heart transplant or artificial heart support. Meanwhile, twenty five percent of the patients in the placebo group experienced a major cardiac event. This comes out to those in the placebo group had twice the risk of a major cardiac event as opposed to those taking a CoQ10 supplement.

What Are The Mechanisms Of COQ10?

The mitochondria steadily pumps out a supply of energy that comes from the food you eat. In order to help maintain its efficiency healthy levels of CoQ10 must be maintained. Talk to your doctor about beginning a supplementation regimen of CoQ10 in order to decrease your chances of experiencing a subsequent major cardiac event.

Increase Energy With CoQ10

Increase Energy With CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10, otherwise known as CoQ10, is an antioxidant nutrient that is found in the mitochondria of every cell in your body. The mitochondria are the part of the cell where the production of cellular energy occurs. Its primary functions are to produce energy and within the cell and to protect from oxidative stress. Like so many other parts of the body, CoQ10 levels drop as your age. Coenzyme Q10 is believed to have a variety of benefits that can support cardiovascular health, treat diabetes, cancer, and headaches. This article will discuss the various benefits CoQ10 has to offer and the best ways to take it.

Although there are dietary sources of CoQ10 like organ meats and lentils, many will choose to supplement in order to ensure they receive the right amount. You can also find CoQ10 in broccoli, spinach, and peanuts but the reason why people choose to supplement is that the amounts of CoQ10 are smaller and the quality of this food would have to be top notch in order for that smaller amount to be available. They would also have to be unprocessed and cultivated in a place that has no pollution.  It can also be cooked out in foods, therefore, if you are looking to increase your CoQ10 intake through foods, it is better to supplement with raw foods. Regardless of how you supplement CoQ10, studies have proven CoQ10 to have various health benefits that make the effort to supplement worth it.

Increased Energy

Studies have found that patients who supplemented with CoQ10 reported feeling an increase in energy. The reason for this is because CoQ10 has been linked to improved cardiovascular health can improve the heart’s ability to pump more blood. It can also lower the viscosity of blood which makes it easier to achieve optimal heart function. Increased energy can also be attributed to the fact that CoQ10 can double the levels of antibodies and supported the body’s ability to handle viruses. Taking into consideration that more often than not, people will have some sort of background disease, taking CoQ10 can help combat the effects. When a body is functioning healthily, it also experiences an increase in energy.

Gum Health

Research has shown that having a healthy heart can improve gum health. Gums are full of blood and your mouth is full of bacteria. If you damage the gum layer it is going to get bacteria into your bloodstream which can trigger inflammation through your body. This is crucial because inflammation can damage to blood vessels. By supporting a healthy heart, CoQ10 can also

Additional Benefits

Additional CoQ10 benefits include weight loss, treatment for cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, fatigue, muscle weakness, and headache.

It is undisputed that maintain coenzyme Q10 levels offers many health benefits. Talk to your doctor about how to optimally supplement CoQ10 into your diet so that you too can optimally derive from its benefits.

Vitamins offer antioxidant properties and, when combined with other remedies, can cure hemorrhoids. Antioxidants are great for the body because they strengthen body tissues and increase the resistance of blood vessels. Vitamins potent and effective in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids include vitamins A, B, and C.

Recommended dosages include two to three intakes per day. Always talk to your doctor before you begin taking a vitamin supplement. Another option is to eat more foods that contain these vitamins. Eating vegetables and fruits like carrots, spinach, oranges, kiwis, strawberries, and kale can be very effective.

If you choose to take a vitamin supplement, consult your doctor before you start to ensure that it will not negatively interact with any current medication you take.